Vietnamese Bridal Customs

Three significant ceremonies take place at a Vietnamese ceremony on the same day. Le dam ngo, the bride’s wedding ceremony, is the groom’s family’s first formal request for her marriage. The two individuals trade presents and conduct rituals to represent the family’s coalition.

The following ceremony is a tea and candle ceremony ( le te ). The newlyweds honor their ancestors by drinking teas and asking for riches for their upcoming collectively during this time. They vietnam girl for marriage will also have the opportunity to first-hand encounter extended family members.

A procession moves to the bride’s residence for a reception after the tea and lamp service. The wife likely get a gift package filled with jewelry from her mother-in-law and will be publicly introduced to her innovative relatives here. The bride and groom’s relatives did burn fragrant stones in front of their ancient altars to wish the couple fine health, happiness, and fortune.

Traditional Vietnamese garments known as ao dai, which are available in a range of colors and patterns, are worn by the bride and groom. Their bridesmaids and groomsmen may also utilize ao dai dresses or a less formal type of the same robes, depending on the couple’s preference.

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